Little Nemo is a fictional character created by American cartoonist Winsor Mccay. Nemo was originally the protagonist of the comic strip Little Nemo in Slumberland.
The full-page weekly strip depicted Nemo having fantastic dreams that
were interrupted by his awakening in the final panel. The strip is
considered McCay's masterpiece for its experiments with the form of the
comics page, its use of color, its timing and pacing, the size and shape
of its panels, perspective, architectural and other detail.
Little Nemo in Slumberland ran in the New York Herald from October 15, 1905, until July 23, 1911; the strip was renamed In the Land of Wonderful Dreams when McCay brought it toWilliam Randolph Hearts, New York American, where it ran from September 3, 1911 until July 26, 1914. When McCay returned to the Herald
in 1924, he revived the strip, and it ran under its original title from
Aug 3, 1924, until December 26, 1926, when McCay returned to Hearst.
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